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Markdown and
universal writing

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Writing up research is a
complicated, messy process!

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Itty bitty pieces

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Itty bitty pieces

Data Statistical results

3 / 23

Itty bitty pieces

Data Statistical results

Fieldwork Interviews Analysis

3 / 23

Itty bitty pieces

Data Statistical results

Fieldwork Interviews Analysis

Figures Images Tables

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Itty bitty pieces

Data Statistical results

Fieldwork Interviews Analysis

Figures Images Tables


3 / 23

Itty bitty pieces

Data Statistical results

Fieldwork Interviews Analysis

Figures Images Tables


Your actual words

3 / 23

Itty bitty pieces

Data Statistical results

Fieldwork Interviews Analysis

Figures Images Tables


Your actual words

Each of these comes from a different place!

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Spending a full day of writing in the mountains or the beach with a notebook sounds cool, but it's really infeasible with any sort of academic writing - too much going on!

Two general approaches for this mess

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Two general approaches for this mess

The Office model

Put everything in one document

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Two general approaches for this mess

The Office model

Put everything in one document

The Engineering model

Embrace the bittiness and compile it all at the end

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The Office model

Everything lives in
one .docx file

Drag images in

Copy/paste stats from R or Stata

Connect Word to Zotero or Endnote

Track versions with filenames: ms.docx, ms2_final.docx, ms2_final_final.docx

Final output = .docx file

The Office model
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The Engineering model

Everything lives separately and is combined in the end

Type text in a plain text document

Import images automatically

Import stats automatically from
R scripts (.R or .Rmd) or .do files

Store citations in reference manager

Track versions with git

Final output = whatever you want (Word, PDF, HTML)

The Engineering model
Markdown outputs
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No one right way!

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No one right way!

The Office model can be clunky and you'll
inevitably forget to update figures, tables, results, etc.

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No one right way!

The Office model can be clunky and you'll
inevitably forget to update figures, tables, results, etc.


7 / 23

No one right way!

The Office model can be clunky and you'll
inevitably forget to update figures, tables, results, etc.


The whole world runs on Word

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No one right way!

The Office model can be clunky and you'll
inevitably forget to update figures, tables, results, etc.


The whole world runs on Word

Even if you're a strict Engineering person,
you'll still collaborate with Office people!

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No one right way!

The Office model can be clunky and you'll
inevitably forget to update figures, tables, results, etc.


The whole world runs on Word

Even if you're a strict Engineering person,
you'll still collaborate with Office people!

Coauthors will work in Word, advisers will give comments
and track changes in Word, journals will demand final Word files

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The Engineering model is definitely more fiddly

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The Engineering model is definitely more fiddly


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The Engineering model is definitely more fiddly


There's less cognitive load!

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The Engineering model is definitely more fiddly


There's less cognitive load!

No need to copy/paste new results,
add updated figures, reformat citation, etc.

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The Engineering model is definitely more fiddly


There's less cognitive load!

No need to copy/paste new results,
add updated figures, reformat citation, etc.

There's a record of everything you do!

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The Engineering model is definitely more fiddly


There's less cognitive load!

No need to copy/paste new results,
add updated figures, reformat citation, etc.

There's a record of everything you do!

Your findings are reproducible by anyone (and yourself!)

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Austerity and Excel

Reinhart and Rogoff abstract

Debt:GDP ratio
90%+ → −0.1% growth

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Austerity and Excel

Reinhart and Rogoff abstract

Debt:GDP ratio
90%+ → −0.1% growth

The Path to Prosperity 2013 house budget
Paul Ryan's 2013 House budget resolution
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Austerity and Excel

Thomas Herndon
Thomas Herndon
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Austerity and Excel

Thomas Herndon
Thomas Herndon
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Austerity and Excel

Reinhart Rogoff Table 1
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Austerity and Excel

Reinhart Rogoff Table 1

Debt:GDP ratio = 90%+ → 2.2% growth (!!)

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Genes and Excel

Septin 2

Membrane-Associated Ring Finger (C3HC4) 1


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Genes and Excel

Septin 2

Membrane-Associated Ring Finger (C3HC4) 1


Numbers in Excel
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Genes and Excel

Septin 2

Membrane-Associated Ring Finger (C3HC4) 1


Numbers in Excel

20% of genetics papers between 2005–2015 (!!!)

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General guidelines

Don't touch the raw data

If you do, explain what you did!

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General guidelines

Don't touch the raw data

If you do, explain what you did!

Use self-documenting, reproducible code

The whole point of this Engineering model! (R Markdown!)

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General guidelines

Don't touch the raw data

If you do, explain what you did!

Use self-documenting, reproducible code

The whole point of this Engineering model! (R Markdown!)

Use open formats

Use .csv, not .xlsx

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Engineering model in real life

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Overview of the process

Simplified process
15 / 23

Can get more complicated!

Rmd process
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Universal writing


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Universal writing


You might know LaTeX—it's a scientific typesetting language

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Universal writing


You might know LaTeX—it's a scientific typesetting language

Great! It's a way to do the Engineering model

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Universal writing


You might know LaTeX—it's a scientific typesetting language

Great! It's a way to do the Engineering model

Run latexmk from the terminal or click the "compile" button in your TeX editor and you'll stitch together all your separate writing, tables, images, and citations

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Universal writing


You might know LaTeX—it's a scientific typesetting language

Great! It's a way to do the Engineering model

Run latexmk from the terminal or click the "compile" button in your TeX editor and you'll stitch together all your separate writing, tables, images, and citations

HOWEVER, the world runs on .docx

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Universal writing


You might know LaTeX—it's a scientific typesetting language

Great! It's a way to do the Engineering model

Run latexmk from the terminal or click the "compile" button in your TeX editor and you'll stitch together all your separate writing, tables, images, and citations

HOWEVER, the world runs on .docx

There are ways to convert from .tex to .docx, but they're a pain

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Three syntaxes

If you want to be able to write in LaTeX, but also have HTML for a blog post later, and also have a Word file for a journal later, you have to learn (and write with!) all these!

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Three syntaxes

If you want to be able to write in LaTeX, but also have HTML for a blog post later, and also have a Word file for a journal later, you have to learn (and write with!) all these!

Format LaTeX HTML Word
Bold \textbf{Something} <b>Something</b> Click on stuff
Heading 2 \subsection{Something} <h2>Something</h2> Click on stuff
Link \href{}{Link} <a href="">Link</a> Click on stuff
Citation \cite{Heiss2020} lolz lolz
Math y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 lolz Equation editor
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Markdown + pandoc

Solution: Use a universal syntax

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Markdown + pandoc

Solution: Use a universal syntax

Write with one simplified syntax and
convert from that to whatever output you want.

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Markdown + pandoc

Solution: Use a universal syntax

Write with one simplified syntax and
convert from that to whatever output you want.

Format Markdown
Bold **Something**
Heading 2 ## Something
Link text [Link](
Citation @Heiss2020
Math y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1
19 / 23

Markdown + pandoc

Solution: Use a universal syntax

Write with one simplified syntax and
convert from that to whatever output you want.

Format Markdown
Bold **Something**
Heading 2 ## Something
Link text [Link](
Citation @Heiss2020
Math y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1
Markdown to everything
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The magic glue that makes this all work

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The magic glue that makes this all work

pandoc -o manuscript.html
# To Word
pandoc -o manuscript.docx
# To PDF (through LaTeX)
pandoc -o manuscript.pdf
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Overview again

Simplified process
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The Universal Markdown-based model

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The Universal Markdown-based model

Text editor

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The Universal Markdown-based model

Text editor

(R) Markdown

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The Universal Markdown-based model

Text editor

(R) Markdown


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The Universal Markdown-based model

Text editor

(R) Markdown


(Not in this class: Automation with Makefiles)

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The Universal Markdown-based model

Text editor

(R) Markdown


(Not in this class: Automation with Makefiles)

(Not in this class: Version control with git/GitHub)

22 / 23

Let's play with
Markdown and pandoc!

23 / 23

Writing up research is a
complicated, messy process!

2 / 23


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