September 19, 2022
PMAP 8521: Program evaluation
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
DAGs, continued
DAGs, continued
Potential outcomes vs. do() notation
DAGs, continued
Potential outcomes vs. do() notation
do-calculus, adjustment, and CATEs
DAGs, continued
Potential outcomes vs. do() notation
do-calculus, adjustment, and CATEs
Logic models, DAGs, and measurement
Effect of race on police use of force
using administrative data
Effect of race on police use of force
using administrative data
Smoking → Cardiac arrest example
Person | Smoker | Cardiac arrest | Cholesterol | Weight | Lifestyle healthiness |
1 | TRUE | TRUE | 150 | 170 | 6 |
2 | TRUE | FALSE | 170 | 180 | 3 |
3 | FALSE | FALSE | 130 | 110 | 9 |
4 | FALSE | TRUE | 140 | 140 | 8 |
5 | TRUE | TRUE | 120 | 150 | 2 |
6 | TRUE | FALSE | 130 | 230 | 3 |
7 | FALSE | FALSE | 140 | 250 | 10 |
dag {bb="0,0,1,1""Cardiac arrest" [outcome,pos="0.599,0.432"]Cholesterol [pos="0.415,0.440"]Lifestyle [pos="0.156,0.317"]Smoking [exposure,pos="0.243,0.428"]Weight [adjusted,pos="0.297,0.255"]Cholesterol -> "Cardiac arrest"Lifestyle -> SmokingLifestyle -> WeightSmoking -> CholesterolWeight -> Cholesterol}
How can you be sure
you include everything in a DAG?
How do you know when to stop?
Is there a rule of thumb
for the number of nodes?
Why can we combine nodes in a DAG if they
don't represent the same concept?
Why include unmeasurable things in a DAG?
Why do DAGs have to be acyclic?
What if there really is reverse causation?
How do we actually
adjust for these things?
Basically a fancy way of saying "average"
Potential outcomes notation:δ = 1n∑ni=1Yi(1)−Yi(0)or alternatively with Eδ = E[Yi(1)−Yi(0)]
Pearl notation:δ = E[Yi∣do(X=1)−Yi∣do(X=0)]or more simplyδ = E[Yi∣do(X)]
E[Yi ∣ do(X)]=E[Yi(1)−Yi(0)]
We can't see this
So we find the average causal effect (ACE)
DAGs are a statistical tool, but they don't
tell you what statistical method to use
DAGs are a statistical tool, but they don't
tell you what statistical method to use
DAGs help you with the identification strategy
Identification through research design
When treatment is randomized, delete all arrows going into it
No need for any do-calculus!
Identification through do-calculus
Rules for graph surgery
Backdoor adjustment and frontdoor adjustment
are special common patterns of do-calculus
Rule 1: Decide if we can ignore an observation
P(y∣z,do(x),w)=P(y∣do(x),w) if (Y⊥Z∣W,X)G¯X
Rule 2: Decide if we can treat an intervention as an observation
P(y∣do(z),do(x),w)=P(y∣z,do(x),w) if (Y⊥Z∣W,X)G¯X,Z_
Rule 3: Decide if we can ignore an intervention
P(y∣do(z),do(x),w)=P(y∣do(x),w) if (Y⊥Z∣W,X)G¯X,¯Z(W)
Adjusting for backdoor confounding
Adjusting for frontdoor confounding
Smoking/tar + Uber
Effect of shared rides on tips; use frontdoor magic
Like IV but in reverse:
dag {bb="0,0,1,1""Actually take shared ride" [pos="0.528,0.508"]"Authorize shared ride" [exposure,pos="0.288,0.504"]"Lots of unobserved stuff" [pos="0.521,0.342"]"Tip driver" [outcome,pos="0.743,0.518"]"Actually take shared ride" -> "Tip driver""Authorize shared ride" -> "Actually take shared ride""Lots of unobserved stuff" -> "Authorize shared ride""Lots of unobserved stuff" -> "Tip driver"}
More complex DAGs without
obvious backdoor or frontdoor solutions
Chug through the rules of do-calculus
to see if the relationship is identifiable
When things are identified, there are
still arrows leading into Y.
What do we do with those?
How do you explain those relationships?
When things are identified, there are
still arrows leading into Y.
What do we do with those?
How do you explain those relationships?
Outcomes have multiple causes.
How do you justify that your proposed
cause is the most causal factor?
100% depends on your research question
Why can't we just subtract the averages
between treated and untreated groups?
When you're making groups for CATE, how do
you decide what groups to put people in?
How can we assume/pretend that treatment was
randomly assigned within each age?
It seems unlikely. Wouldn't there be other factors within the older/younger group that make a person more/less likely to engage in treatment (e.g., health status)?
Does every research question
need an identification strategy?
Does every research question
need an identification strategy?
Correlation alone is okay!
Can lead to more focused causal questions later!
A correlational study found that MS was strongly associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) - they don't know the exact mechanism yet, but because of mRNA vaccine technology, they can develop vaccines against EBV and help stop MS. They'll figure out exact mechanisms later. For now, they've started clinical trials.
What's the difference between
logic models and DAGs?
Can't I just remake my logic model in Dagitty and be done?
DAGs are a statistical tool
Describe a data-generating process
and isolate/identify relationships
DAGs are a statistical tool
Describe a data-generating process
and isolate/identify relationships
Logic models are a managerial tool
Oversee the inner workings of a program and its theory
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September 19, 2022
PMAP 8521: Program evaluation
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
DAGs, continued
DAGs, continued
Potential outcomes vs. do() notation
DAGs, continued
Potential outcomes vs. do() notation
do-calculus, adjustment, and CATEs
DAGs, continued
Potential outcomes vs. do() notation
do-calculus, adjustment, and CATEs
Logic models, DAGs, and measurement
Effect of race on police use of force
using administrative data
Effect of race on police use of force
using administrative data
Smoking → Cardiac arrest example
Person | Smoker | Cardiac arrest | Cholesterol | Weight | Lifestyle healthiness |
1 | TRUE | TRUE | 150 | 170 | 6 |
2 | TRUE | FALSE | 170 | 180 | 3 |
3 | FALSE | FALSE | 130 | 110 | 9 |
4 | FALSE | TRUE | 140 | 140 | 8 |
5 | TRUE | TRUE | 120 | 150 | 2 |
6 | TRUE | FALSE | 130 | 230 | 3 |
7 | FALSE | FALSE | 140 | 250 | 10 |
dag {bb="0,0,1,1""Cardiac arrest" [outcome,pos="0.599,0.432"]Cholesterol [pos="0.415,0.440"]Lifestyle [pos="0.156,0.317"]Smoking [exposure,pos="0.243,0.428"]Weight [adjusted,pos="0.297,0.255"]Cholesterol -> "Cardiac arrest"Lifestyle -> SmokingLifestyle -> WeightSmoking -> CholesterolWeight -> Cholesterol}
How can you be sure
you include everything in a DAG?
How do you know when to stop?
Is there a rule of thumb
for the number of nodes?
Why can we combine nodes in a DAG if they
don't represent the same concept?
Why include unmeasurable things in a DAG?
Why do DAGs have to be acyclic?
What if there really is reverse causation?
How do we actually
adjust for these things?
Basically a fancy way of saying "average"
Potential outcomes notation:δ = 1n∑ni=1Yi(1)−Yi(0)or alternatively with Eδ = E[Yi(1)−Yi(0)]
Pearl notation:δ = E[Yi∣do(X=1)−Yi∣do(X=0)]or more simplyδ = E[Yi∣do(X)]
E[Yi ∣ do(X)]=E[Yi(1)−Yi(0)]
We can't see this
So we find the average causal effect (ACE)
DAGs are a statistical tool, but they don't
tell you what statistical method to use
DAGs are a statistical tool, but they don't
tell you what statistical method to use
DAGs help you with the identification strategy
Identification through research design
When treatment is randomized, delete all arrows going into it
No need for any do-calculus!
Identification through do-calculus
Rules for graph surgery
Backdoor adjustment and frontdoor adjustment
are special common patterns of do-calculus
Rule 1: Decide if we can ignore an observation
P(y∣z,do(x),w)=P(y∣do(x),w) if (Y⊥Z∣W,X)G¯X
Rule 2: Decide if we can treat an intervention as an observation
P(y∣do(z),do(x),w)=P(y∣z,do(x),w) if (Y⊥Z∣W,X)G¯X,Z_
Rule 3: Decide if we can ignore an intervention
P(y∣do(z),do(x),w)=P(y∣do(x),w) if (Y⊥Z∣W,X)G¯X,¯Z(W)
Adjusting for backdoor confounding
Adjusting for frontdoor confounding
Smoking/tar + Uber
Effect of shared rides on tips; use frontdoor magic
Like IV but in reverse:
dag {bb="0,0,1,1""Actually take shared ride" [pos="0.528,0.508"]"Authorize shared ride" [exposure,pos="0.288,0.504"]"Lots of unobserved stuff" [pos="0.521,0.342"]"Tip driver" [outcome,pos="0.743,0.518"]"Actually take shared ride" -> "Tip driver""Authorize shared ride" -> "Actually take shared ride""Lots of unobserved stuff" -> "Authorize shared ride""Lots of unobserved stuff" -> "Tip driver"}
More complex DAGs without
obvious backdoor or frontdoor solutions
Chug through the rules of do-calculus
to see if the relationship is identifiable
When things are identified, there are
still arrows leading into Y.
What do we do with those?
How do you explain those relationships?
When things are identified, there are
still arrows leading into Y.
What do we do with those?
How do you explain those relationships?
Outcomes have multiple causes.
How do you justify that your proposed
cause is the most causal factor?
100% depends on your research question
Why can't we just subtract the averages
between treated and untreated groups?
When you're making groups for CATE, how do
you decide what groups to put people in?
How can we assume/pretend that treatment was
randomly assigned within each age?
It seems unlikely. Wouldn't there be other factors within the older/younger group that make a person more/less likely to engage in treatment (e.g., health status)?
Does every research question
need an identification strategy?
Does every research question
need an identification strategy?
Correlation alone is okay!
Can lead to more focused causal questions later!
A correlational study found that MS was strongly associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) - they don't know the exact mechanism yet, but because of mRNA vaccine technology, they can develop vaccines against EBV and help stop MS. They'll figure out exact mechanisms later. For now, they've started clinical trials.
What's the difference between
logic models and DAGs?
Can't I just remake my logic model in Dagitty and be done?
DAGs are a statistical tool
Describe a data-generating process
and isolate/identify relationships
DAGs are a statistical tool
Describe a data-generating process
and isolate/identify relationships
Logic models are a managerial tool
Oversee the inner workings of a program and its theory