Difference-in-differences I
Content for Monday, October 10, 2022
- Chapter 7 in Impact Evaluation in Practice (Gertler et al. 2016)
- Chapter 18 in The Effect (Huntington-Klein 2021)
The slides for today’s lesson are available online as an HTML file. Use the buttons below to open the slides either as an interactive website or as a static PDF (for printing or storing for later). You can also click in the slides below and navigate through them with your left and right arrow keys.
Fun fact: If you type ? (or shift + /) while going through the slides, you can see a list of special slide-specific commands.
Videos for each section of the lecture are available at this YouTube playlist.
- Introduction
- Quasi-experiments
- Interactions & regression
- Two wrongs make a right
- Diff-in-diff assumptions
You can also watch the playlist (and skip around to different sections) here:
In-class stuff
Here are all the materials we’ll use in class:
Gertler, Paul J., Sebastian Martinez, Patrick Premand, Laura B. Rawlings, and Christel M. J. Vermeersch. 2016. Impact Evaluation in Practice. 2nd ed. Inter-American Development Bank; World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/25030.
Huntington-Klein, Nick. 2021. The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman and Hall / CRC. https://theeffectbook.net/.